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The project NEFERTITI’s Kick – off Meeting

The official Kick Off Meeting of the project NEFERTITI took place digitally on 2021, July 13th-14th-15thand representatives of the ten (10) partners from Europe, Asia and the USA participated.

Nefertiti project deals with Innovative photocatalysts integrated in Flow photoreactor systemsfor direct CO2 and H2O conversion into solar fuels.

The ten (10) partners will work as a committed team in order to develop an innovative highly efficient photocatalytic system which will enable a simultaneous conversion of CO2 and H2O into solar fuels and provide a breakthrough alternative to transform CO2 into valuable products for energy and transport. NEFERTITI aims to integrate novel heterogeneous catalysts and luminescent solar concentrators into two Photocatalytic flow reactors sourced by sunlight

During the kickoff meeting, the partners had some fruitful discussions about all the technical and scientifical aspects of NEFERTITI project, the implementation details, as well as all managerial and financial topics. Additionally, the participants analyzed in detail and organized the working tasks which have been set in order to ensure the project’s successful implementation and impact maximization.

The ten partners, from all over Europe, USA and China that are involved in the project are the following: LEITAT (Coordinator, Spain), National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland), Peking University (China), Universidad de Burgos (Spain), Chemtrix BV (Netherlands), SOCAR (Turkey), ICIQ (Spain), Funditec (Spain), University of Michigan (USA), Stratagem (Cyprus).

Thank you to all the partners for the great discussions during this kick off meeting. We look forward to collaborating all together, for the successful implementation of the project.

NEFERTITI project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 101022202.

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